
title: Mine de Rien
category: catalogue
publisher: CIAP, C-mine, Dvir Gallery
ISBN: 9789464590609


Marianne Berenhaut’s (1934, Brussels) diverse practice refuses to be pigeonholed. It expands in all directions, spanning at times tragic, romantic lyricism, critical feminist edge, dada humour, and imaginative juxtapositions worthy of surrealism… and it keeps changing.

Through a curious combination of exhibition images, previously unpublished archival material, and newly-commissioned essays, this book offers a glimpse into the many lives of Marianne Berenhaut’s works. It departs from the specific context of her solo exhibition ‘Mine de rien‘ at CIAP and C-mine in Genk, at the turn of 2021 and 2022, to arrive at different times and places. Whether touring with a theatre group, partaking in a feminist assembly, or turning up in a public park, her works have always been close to daily life, as if coming back to the very places they originated from.

With contributions by Louise Osieka, Barbara Cuglietta, Alicja Melzacka.


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